So, we bought a house! A 166-ish year old one to boot, built in 1845. I'll do the math later, ahem... Why you say? The house has a lot of potential, the schools are good for the kids, it was cheap. The place will require a lot of work, but is not too incredibly bad for the age to tell you the truth.
Alright, enough cheap talk! Here are the facts. The house is 2800sqft, 1.5 bathrooms, 6 bedrooms (the listing stated 9, but not really so), full basement, attic which some of the bedrooms are located. Not much land.
Pictures will come as we go! How it is now, and how it will be as we go. It'll be messy!
Now, if you take a look at this website about the
Batcheller Mansion, which is here in Saratoga, I am throwing around the idea of using these paint colors for the outside.
Here is the front. Looks kind of like a farmhouse, but not really. |
The addition that was added many, many...many years ago. |
The side, look another door! There are three. Not sure why. There were 4, but if you look at the addition in the second pic, the odd looking window...looks like it used to be a door?, D'oh!