Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Heaven Sent

I look at your pictures and wonder why,
I see your videos and it makes me cry,
I want to hurt who hurt you,
But alas, it is beneath me.

Your smiles make me smile,
Your story hurts us inside,
It has yet been a while,
I wish you were at my side.

Your Daddy is hurting,
We want to turn back time,
See you smile and laugh again,
He wishes you were at his side.

They want to hurt him,
Make him hurt as bad,
He took away your smile,
But alas, it is beneath them.

Ride away into the clouds,
We will see you again,
I love you little man,
In our hearts, you will remain.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Airport and Rain

So, today is snow and rainy, and you know, it was only because we had to go to the Airport at 6:30 this morning. Didn't you know?

In case you don't know. We are finding other places to go. People to see yada yada. We are hoping to head over to New York, if not, then to Oregon. Vote New York. My family doesn't know my kids and vice versa, so it's time. I have been on the western part of the US of A for 11 years. Hey I'll make a deal...hows about we go to New York this year, then after about 15-20 years, back here, well maybe not Utah, but maybe somewhere close. Deal? I think it's fair. All is fair in family and war. Yes it is, don't argue with me, punk. Cliff has his own reasons as well, that I won't divulge here.

This morning, we got the kids up at 6:15, which was actually not that bad. Except for Zack. "I wanna go to bed..." He was saying this as he was in bed still. With the covers on him. Preemptive move on his part. He was apparently hoping we were going to leave him there while we drove 45 minutes to the Airport and 45 back. Let me think about that one.... It's funny how kids think you will say yes to the strangest things.

"Orlo?" "It's hello!" "Oh, I mean hello??"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let me start.

So today I decided to start blogging a little more. I have a lot of things that have been clouding my mind lately, so why not put them into words.

Warning: A lot of "I"s here, but I am doing an introduction of sorts so go along with it, please.

Let me start off by saying that I have three wonderful kids, and a Husband that does a lot for me. We live in Utah for the moment, hoping it's not forever. I am not perky or bubbly in personality, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt-which has kicked my butt before, and strive to be different. I won't actively go out meeting people but when I do, I hope to make some lasting friends.

For you who may not know, I grew up in Lynn, MA. I have 5 sisters and 1 brother. A dog bit me, which left a nice-sized lovely scar on my arm when I was younger. I am LDS, but don't go to Church very often. Why? Reasons you should not judge me on. My Father passed away 12 years ago, and I often wonder how he would be if he were still here. I could say "is he proud of me?" But of course he is and was. I used to hate my Boston accent, but now I love it. The word I grew to very much dislike was "shy." I am not shy, nor have I been since I was around 14. It may appear so, but trust me, I just do not jump into every conversation, I just don't. The other word is "busy." That word is thrown around a little bit too much in my opinion. And last but not least, I am one of "those" peeps who wouldn't mind the idea of traveling all over the country after I retire--in an RV!! So watch out, I may be coming to a Town near really, watch out, I can't drive big rigs, and boy there are stories to tell about me and inanimate objects while driving when I was younger. TRUST ME. *wink* .

I started following some important stories lately and have become a Child Abuse Advocate more or less, not "officially". Kids like Dominick Calhoun and Ethan Stacy, who had their lives cut so short tragically, have become a huge part of my life. Besides my own little family here in Utah, these Boys and their loving families are like a part of my own family. I have thought about my own life and my past and it wasn't perfect, and there were things I am still overcoming, and I believe that is why Children like those Boys are a part of something big for me. That and the the helplessness and avoidable way these things happen just has me beside myself that People can be so cruel. I share things about abuse and share things like the groups I am a part of, and to tell you the truth, it makes my blood boil that no one responds to these. I think that a lot of people worry more about their next social gathering or Latte than opening up their minds to what matters more.

If you go around saying "love one another" , "love thy neighbor" or whatever it is the next Joe and Jane go by, show it. And I mean SHOW IT. Don't give it away to a few who go 100% by what your standards are, people have faults, and you don't know why and what they are. Embrace the faults and like them for who they are, because, well, you could've just passed over one of the best people that came across your path. Don't miss it because they are less than "perfect." I have seen a lot of that over time, and it's not right.

Like a friend once said to me... Never say anything you have to apologize for later. I may say "Oh! I hope it's OK...!!" But I won't apologize for being me. So don't expect it. ;)

Have a wonderful week.